1992 season

21st season of women's interhall football, 21st season of the Co-Ed Revolution

Season Summary

Duration of season: September 27 - November 15

Total teams: 13

Games scheduled: 43

Interhall champion: Siegfried (6–2)

Unknown games: 3

1992 Siegfried Hall football team, interhall champions.

Photo courtesy of Mark Falcione.

Season schedule

1992 season

Talking points

1992 women's interhall football championship game ball.

Photo courtesy of Mark Falcione.

Alumni stories

Mark Falcione, '93

1991-92 Siegfried coach 

Ah thanks for the clarification.  Now I remember what happened a little better.  It was the year before, 1991, that we put up a single game score in the 30s (which was hard to do because the games weren’t terribly long), and then we lost the following week and didn’t make it to the championship that year….but we knew we had the talent to get there.  Then in 1992, we started off pretty slow (a lot of the girls were distracted, missing practices)…eventually I basically chewed them out and said they needed to decide how bad they wanted to do this and choose between just having fun and forget about practicing or get serious and try to win it all…they had a players only meeting and then from that point on they were very focused and it all came together in the playoffs and we ran the table from the 8th seed.  Attached is the picture after the 1992 championship game and a picture of the game ball signed by the team that they gave to me, and I still proudly display.  In the photo [pictured at the top of this article], off to the right you can see a Rudy actor in full pads…they were getting ready to film at the other end of the stadium – I don’t know what scene it was but yes there was some snow on the ground earlier in the morning.  And in the photo is Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried off to the right.  That’s me far left.