1988 season

17th season of women's interhall football, 17th season of the Co-Ed Revolution

Season Summary

Duration of season: September 18 - November 20

Total teams: 11

Games scheduled: 40

Interhall champion: Lewis (7–2)

Unknown games: 2

Season schedule

1988 season

Alumni stories

Jacquie Calhoun, '91

1988 Knott team captain

First response

I graduated class of 1991 and did play sports for Knott Hall, though I am not a good athlete by any stretch so am probably not the best person to write a story…I might have been some type of hall athletic commissioner for awhile (ha, my memory doesn’t serve me well!).  I played flag football on occasion but my best sports memory was playing broomball ! Not sure if it’s still a thing there. It was just so fun…running on the ice in our sneakers with brooms as hockey sticks, trying not to do seriously bodily harm.  One game, my uber athletic roommate Ann Buff took a nasty fall on the ice onto her bad shoulder and displaced it! I vaguely remember her somehow popping it back into the socket…she was tough as nails. She ended up having to go home to get surgery on it.  (sidenote- she was also one of the few women commissioners for bookstore basketball tourney, I think 1989, so I of course had plenty of duty as a bookstore basketball tourney game scorekeeper, which gave me a great seat for some key games!) 

Second response

We were not a good team but we sure had fun.  That was Knott Hall’s inaugural year as a dorm. We thought we were so creative coming up with our dorm mascot, the Angels (i.e. 'We’re Knott Angels’).  I was probably designated captain because I was organized and one thing I knew better than most my same age peers were the rules of football!