
So many people played a part in the development of this website! I am confident that I could not have done this without all of the help I received every step of the way. This is a brief but well-deserved acknowledgement of their invaluable contributions.

To my parents: Frankly, if you had told me this was a stupid idea, I would have stopped two years ago. Instead, you were the first people to tell me what I was doing was worthwhile. You guys listened to me drone on about the latest fun fact or cool player I had discovered every day for two years. You did not always understand what I was doing, but you knew it was important to me, and so you became my biggest supporters. I could not be more grateful for that.

To Cappy Gagnon: Cappy is a retired stadium security guard for the Fighting Irish. He was the very first person to respond to a request for help on a Notre Dame-related research project. He provided me with a ton of information on Irish players between 1887-1930, many of which I would later find out played or coached interhall football.  His enthusiastic contributions became a big reason why I continue working on researching unique aspects of the Notre Dame experience.

To the sportswriters: for keeping up with all the games and scores for decades. I go further in depth on this subject on the Thanking the Writers page of the Further Reading section.

Cappy Gagnon, "recommending that a Florida State player not try to leave my building with a hunk of sod."

Photo and quote provided by Cappy Gagnon